Friday, September 10, 2010

September 10, 2010

So much has happened in a week. I need to get caught up! So we'll start with Saturday. ...the worst day ever. :( I was so jealous that my roommate's parents got to hold her every night and i was getting so anxious to hold my little man. He is just way too cute to just look at and i wanted a snuggle. I had been asking the nurses for the last few days if i could possibly hold him, if they felt comfortable enough. Well one of my primaries told me i could hold him and i was SO EXCITED! Everything was great for about an hour. Then his tube came out, but we didn't know that. (he was still on the vent at this point) He started turning bluish purple so fast. His heart dropped, he desated, and looked so lifeless. At first my nurse didn't panic so i wasn't too worried, but then when she called the other nurses help and no one came she seemed to get a little panicky especially when she put the mask on him to give him breaths and his dinner started coming up. Milk was spilling everywhere and that's when she knew he had been extubated. Christian ran in the hall to get help and then all these nurses and docs started running down the hall towards our room. It was so scary. I just froze and watched. As soon as she lifted him from my lap and put him back on the isolette i left the room with Christian to wait outside. We couldn't watch them put the big metal thing down his throat. It was so frightening. I felt so awful! They should make parents watch a video of what can happen and then they won't ask to hold their baby until they are OFF the vent. I learned my lesson.

On the bright side, if there is one, once they re-intubated Kingston and got the tube in the perfect position. (it had been a little high before.) He started improving and doing really well (the new medicine, i'm sure played a big role in this too) Monday afternoon they took him off the vent and put him back on CPAP (the bubbly NPPVI without a rate) He was on a setting of 8, since then, every day they have weened him 1. Last night he was on a setting of 5. Once he gets to 4, they should switch him to High flow, so if all continues to go well that could be tomorrow! He's also been gaining a bunch lately too. He is now 3 lb 6 oz! He started cooking in the isolette so to our surprise yesterday they moved him to a big boy crib! He looks so adorable all swaddled and wrapped up and seems to be liking it just fine. (And i can hold him whenever i was right now which is the best feeling EVER!) The nurse put a little tshirt on him that just drowns him! (it is much harder and takes longer to change him with clothes on, but i'm not complaining! :) I love to see my little miracle baby growing up so fast. Christian and I feel SO BLESSED with our little angel.

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